
Baby Scheunemann's Creativity.

I sporadically listen to podcasts from Accidental Creative. Multiple times Todd Henry, the owner of Accidental Creative, has made comments about his children being a creative inspiration. With my first child on the way I suddenly thought, "I am going to be able to tap into this new creative resource! How very exciting!"

When preparing for the birth of a child a new parent hears millions of suggestions on what to do, when to do it & exactly how to do it. When all of these suggestions are compiled you have yourself a list of rules on how to raise a child. Even with all these well intended suggestions no one can really prepare you for this new person you are about to meet. A new person. Someone with their own personality, their own quirks & most of all their own unhindered creativity. Todd & Ricardo Crespo discussed how "kids just create to create" during a recent interview (AC #138). And that "their lives haven't been filled with rules on how to be creative - they just express themselves." When do you think your child-like creativity was squashed? Or have you been able to hold onto a part of it as you have aged?

I'm excited to see the world through new eyes - eyes that haven't been hindered by creative rules & assumptions. And most of all, I'm excited to be inspired by Baby Scheunemann.

1 comment:

Kelly Aukema said...

Just yesterday morning James took two whole cheerios and a broken piece and made a butterfly O!O

I was impressed.