
Happy Birthday, Grandma B!

Ah, technology. Since we've gotten this new little FugiFilm digital camera I've been taking lots of short videos (like the music ones below). So, this morning Jarrod helped me take this super cute video for Grandma B's birthday. We tried emailing it. No go. We tried sending it via a facebook message. Not happening. We tried compressing it. Again, no success. Finally, I decided to just post it here. Phew. Happy Birthday, Grandma B!



Summer is usually concert season at the Scheunemann house, well this year it moved into fall somehow. Cody, Leslie, Rhett, Dave, Jarrod & I went to U2 on September 13th in Chicago. Then, on September 19th Jarrod & I went to Iron & Wine here in Champaign. These two shows couldn't have been more different (see videos below), yet both were extremely amazing. And finally, on October 27th, Jarrod & I will be checking out Mason Jennings at the High Dive in Champaign. Oh how I love live music.

Operation Stimulus 2010

I was challenged to create a flyer for this year's Operation Stimulus that would stand off a table at a trade show with tons of other flyers. I'm still waiting for feedback if I was successful. The flyer is below:

CrossTraining 09

I once again worked on the brochure for the CrossTraining conference in Upper Michigan. Check out this year's updates below: