
It's Official!

This magic little newspaper clipping from the News Gazette here in Champaign was created with a lot of sweaty armpits & nervous twitches. For some reason (fear of the unknown) I have always hesitated at making Jessie Marie Studio an official business.

Well, I read The War of Art & decided to fight Resistance head on. I had learned back in December that I needed an Assumed Name Certificate to accomplish anything. So, one lunch hour I went on an adventure to find the County Clerk's office in Urbana. I got the paperwork I needed to publish in the local newspaper. A couple days later, I headed to the News Gazette to run the attached ad for three consecutive weeks to declare my business name to the community. Now, I have to get back to the County Clerk's office, before August 11th, to get my Assumed Name Certificate. Then, I can set up a business account at my bank & my clients will finally be able to write checks out to Jessie Marie Studio. Phew.

Making Jessie Marie Studio an official business has made me realize - this is for real. I do freelance on the side. Which scares the daylights out of me. Why? What if Jessie Marie Studio grows bigger? Or collapses? I am just scared of the unknown. Things I can't control. Well, now I have a newspaper clipping to stick on the fridge to remind me that I can conquer the unknown.


Marty McKee said...

Wow, you are like a huge bigshot now!

Becky said...

Congratulations!!! That's awesome :)

Sara said...

You never know what you can accomplish unless you take a risk first! Congratulations!

Brian and Beth Woods said...

Congrat's! This is a HUGE deal!!! SOOOo proud of you for putting it out there. Let the freelancing grow heaps and bounds so that you may work from home with Cadence giggling and growing by your side :)

Unknown said...

That is so awesome Jes!!! I didn't know any of that stuff - congrats!