
Date Weekend

Aunt Sara took on the challenge of staying with Cadence for an entire weekend to give Jarrod & I some time away. We appreciated her kindness & the time away immensely! Jarrod found a great resort for us to stay at, Eaglewood Resort & Spa. I did protest at first about staying there since I'm not really a fan of their brand typeface. I really should not have, the food was great & the atmosphere was elegant.

On Saturday, after getting out of bed at 10AM & eating a relaxed breakfast, we found a city park to run our scheduled eight mile run for our upcoming 1/2 marathon. It was fun to run in the snow & together. We have had to run all of our runs separate since one of us has to stay home with Cadence. After the run, we visited IKEA (Jarrod had never been there!) and then filled our tummies up at the Melting Pot in Schaumburg.

Thanks again, Sara!


Bethany said...

Sigh - how romantic... such a good husband!

Jessie Marie said...

oh yes he is! we really do have it good, Bethany!!