
Purposeful Shifts

A post of the letter from the Jessie Marie Studio Spring 2011 Newsletter sent on June 7, 2011.

 “All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages”

- William Shakespeare

For the second time the Scheunemann family is making a Purposeful Shift in their life. Some of you may remember Purposeful Shift #1: Project 2007. We quit our perfectly good jobs in Oshkosh, Wisconsin and drove to Alaska & back. After a job search, we landed in Champaign, Illinois and I began my career as a graphic designer at Horizon Hobby.

Purposeful Shift #2: The Scheunemann Switch
Since the day after our daughter, Cadence, was born in January 2009, Jarrod has been working on his masters in Park & Recreation Management at the University of Illinois. His flexible schedule allowed him to be home with Cadence most of the week. However, as of June 1st Jarrod was hired on full-time as the Community Services & Education Coordinator for the Office of Recreation and Park Resources at the University of Illinois. And I have left Horizon Hobby to focus solely on Jessie Marie Studio & Cadence Rose. All three of us are excited for the upcoming transition.

These kinds of Purposeful Shifts don’t happen overnight. In both cases we had a vision that formed into a tactile plan that we reviewed often. Teamwork & daily sacrifice were needed to keep us moving toward the future goal. And let me tell you, when a Purposeful Shift occurs it tastes so sweet because of all the hard work that was put into it.

Do you have a Purposeful Shift you would like to make in your life? What small step could you take today to make it happen?

Here's to transition!
Jessie Marie 

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Mike said...

Can you just make the choice for me. Seems like too much work. :-)

Jessie Marie said...

You already have. I would call creating a basement from scratch a Purposeful Shift. You Shifted the place where you hang out.