
The Morning After

Yesterday, Jarrod called around 9:30AM to tell me he was in an accident on his way to work. Jarrod is okay - shaken up, but okay. The Corolla on the other hand has seen better days. He fishtailed in the icy, right hand turn lane & while trying to decipher how to straighten out the car - BANG. The guy who was following him slammed into his back end, decorating the road with about 500 pieces of shattered bumper stickers. When the cop got there to do the report Jarrod turned off the car. We had already been having issues with the battery, so when he went to restart it - it wouldn't start. It probably didn't help that it was -28ºF with the windchill. So the Corolla got towed. During lunch Jarrod was able to get a new battery & free the Corolla from jail!

After work, Jarrod headed over to a body shop place to get an estimate. $2,800. Wow. Kelly Blue Book says it's worth about $2,400. We'll see what happens. Cross your fingers that the Corolla hasn't seen the end of it's traveling days! AND if we do get a new back end we will have to start traveling for new stickers. Anyone want to join us?


Sara said...

Poor Corolla. I was wondering about the bumper stickers. And as you already know, I am always up for a trip to go get some new ones!! Mostly, I am glad that Jarrod is okay. Love you!

Michelle Lieven said...

Looks like you'll need to make another trip out to Colorado to get a new sticker! You have a place for the THREE of you to stay when you come out :)

Brian and Beth Woods said...

Jarrod, so glad you're ok! Goodness...poor Corolla, at least it still appears drivable despite the damage estimate. Time for a new Kauai sticker! Even though I still saw the Aloha on there :)