
In Progress: Bike Love

Paintings #2 & #3 are done! Painting #1 is causing a bit of a fight. I will win.

Painting #2: DONE!
Painting #3: DONE!


Read Across America Postcards

Below are four interactive postcards designed for the literacy activity Jarrod & I created for our table at the Read Across America event going on in Urbana, IL on Saturday, March 3 from 10am to 1pm. Approximately 200-500 kids ages 1 to 6 years-old will participate in our literacy activity. Come visit!

At our table kids will be able to create a postcard or two to send to a friend or family member. We will have a variety of four postcards to choose from that represent four parks - two national (Acadia National Park & Yellowstone National Park) & two local (Lake of the Woods & Meadowbrook). On each card kids will be able to color something in, fill in missing letters, trace letters or match letters that teach them about the park on the card.

I want to send a shout out to my online critique group. You have been invaluable with the success of this project! If you would like to be a part of critiquing Jessie Marie Studio projects send me an email at jessie.scheunemann (at) gmail.com.


New Friends

Jeremy Miller, from Sticky Branding, challenged me to join BNI, an international business networking group, to grow my business.

I accepted his challenge.

And now you, my blog readers, benefit.

My new friends, who I meet with weekly, include everything from a chiropractor to an electrician. See the attached list (that I happened to design).

If you are in need of any of their services let me know - or give them a call! And don't forget to let them know you got their name from Jessie at Jessie Marie Studio.