
Day 14: What Do You Know?

31 Days of Adventure Day 14
What Do You Know?

"Today's adventure is about learning. And sharing. And gaining knowledge. But it's really about sharing that new knowledge with others." - daily email prompt

Yesterday Jarrod was the winner of accomplishing the day's adventure without even knowing it. He is usually the one in the house teaching Cadence & I things from current events to music knowledge. Today's bit of info came from the current events category.

The Rieder family made a pit stop in Champaign on non-stop road trip from Florida back to Ripon, Wisconsin. As they were getting back in their van to leave Aunt Sarah mentioned to her youngest, Micah, that they didn't have any pop tarts anymore. And to that Jarrod replied, "Did you know they use crushed up red bugs to color the frosting of some pop tarts?"

"Really?" said everyone inside & outside the van.

"Yup," said Jarrod. 


If I am going to voluntarily eat any bugs please give me some lettuce from my CSA where the bugs haven't been crushed to color it green. They are just there for protein.


Bethany said...

WOW! Not sure which is more gross... bugs or chemicals!

Jessie Marie said...

I know, right?