
Day 20: Get Your Blood Flowing

31 Days of Adventure Day 20
Get Your Blood Flowing

"Try a new sport or outdoor activity today (or one you haven't done in years)." - daily email prompt

Today I pulled out the pregnancy card & decided against trying a new or old activity. Over the years most of my physical activity has been outside - triathlons, kayaking, canoeing, running, in-line skating & more. Currently I'm doing a wee bit of yoga, lifting about once a week & walking. I can still walk up to five miles. Watch out! 

On April 28th, I will be joining Cadence for her first official race. She is signed up for a Youth Run & a parent has to run the 1K (a little over a 1/2 mile) with their child. I was tagged it since Jarrod will be completing his first marathon (!!) shortly before Cadence's start time. Cadence & I should make an entertaining pair.

Since I'm talking about the marathon, it is only fitting to let you know Jarrod is running & fundraising for an amazing organization called Remember Nhu. Remember Nhu's goal is to prevent children from entering the sex trade one village at a time. Read more about Jarrod's marathon motivation here. He has raised a bit over $2,000 of his $4,000 goal. Please send Jarrod an email, at bmf_23(at)hotmail.com, if you are interested in donating. We are collecting checks, made out to Remember Nhu, up until race day (or even a bit after). 

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