
Day 16: Witness the Painting of the Sky

31 Days of Adventure Day 16
Witness the Painting of the Sky

"Today's adventure is in three steps:

1. Today: Scout out a nice spot to see the sunrise.

2. Tonight: Before you go to sleep, set your alarm clock extra early.

3. Tomorrow morning: Get to your spot before the sun does.

Watch the sun rise."
- daily email prompt 

I'm a failure. I didn't physically scout out a spot to see the sunrise. I turned off my alarm when it went off early this morning. And I didn't get to a specific "spot" by 6:23AM - current sunrise time.

When life doesn't go as planned: cry, pout & be negative. That's what this over tired, under exercised, pregnant girl did this morning. Not my finest moment.

Tuesdays have an interesting schedule. I go to the gym between 5:30 & 6:00 in the morning & then head off to my BNI meeting by seven. My only non-Mommy morning of the week. This morning I was going to squeeze in a sunrise too. I should have known something was going to go wrong.

As I said above, I didn't get up with my alarm. Then, I got all the way to the gym & realized I forgot my towel. Thank you Baby Brain. You've been really helpful lately. I started to cry. I headed home to shower before my meeting. Up & down Prospect I drove. All the while the sun was rising.

I entered the house. The clock read 6:23AM. I knew it was mocking me. I took a shower. Sulked that I missed my workout. And left. 

On my way out of the driveway I stopped the truck. Rolled down the window & snapped the attached photo. It was pretty. The sun had promise for change.

I arrived ten minutes early for my meeting. Parked the truck pointing right into the sun. And didn't put my sun visor down so I could soak in the extreme brightness of hope the sun promised. I ate my breakfast & ever so slowly believed in that hope.

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