
Day 7: Heighten Your Awareness

31 Days of Adventure Day 7
Heighten Your Awareness

"Focus on all your senses today. What does the air smell like? Can you pick out particular sounds in your environment? What car is rattling? Which one has the bass booming? What color is dominating your landscape today?

Bonus: Did you know balance is considered a sense too? Go ahead and see how long you can stand on one foot. Try a headstand. Or simply close your eyes and stand still.
- daily email prompt

Onion Carrots & the Grapefruit Orange shown with a couple of the Adventurers.

We took a little walk down to the Art Theater in downtown Champaign to check out Bike Love in all it's glory yesterday.  (Post coming soon of the final awesomeness!) The bike loving Knutsons met us for lunch at West Side Park. Our sense of taste noticed the following odd but true findings:

"These carrots taste like onions."

"This orange tastes like a grapefruit."


Cadence & I were walking next to a brick building. She decided it was fun to rub her shoulder on the building as we walked. My first instinct was to tell her to stop it since it was making her jacket dirty. But then I noticed her coat sleeve on the brick was making a fun noise, so I asked her, "Why are you doing that?"

"I like how it sounds"

"What does it sound like?"

"A whistle."

There you have it: the toddler notices fun findings with her senses without being prompted by a daily email.

And finally, Jarrod & I did a one foot stand off yesterday:

Jarrod: 45 seconds
Jessie: 1 minutes 10 seconds

Yeah that's right, this pregnant girl with supposedly less balance rocked it.

How long can you stand on one foot?


gramps said...

4 minutes holding up my left foot with my left hand. Must be in the Levi's:)

Jessie Marie said...

Nice work!! That is pretty awesome. We may have to try to beat that :)